Understanding Oestrogen – Its Influence on Your Mood, Workouts, and Energy Levels

Oestrogen, a hormone commonly associated with female reproductive health, plays a vital role in the overall well-being of women, which is a key focus at the best women’s gyms in Melbourne. Beyond its reproductive functions, oestrogen influences various aspects of our lives, including mood, workouts, and energy levels. In this article, we delve into the nature of oestrogen and how it impacts our fitness, weightloss for women, and even our motivation to drag ourselves to our class on strength training for women!

What is oestrogen?

Oestrogen is a group of hormones primarily produced in the ovaries of females, although smaller amounts are present in males too. It regulates the menstrual cycle, influences bone health, and contributes to the development of secondary sexual characteristics in women. Oestrogen also plays a role in maintaining healthy skin, promoting cardiovascular health, and influencing cognitive function.

The connection between oestrogen and mood

Oestrogen has been linked to mood regulation due to its influence on neurotransmitters in the brain. Fluctuations in oestrogen levels, particularly during the menstrual cycle and perimenopause, can contribute to mood changes, including irritability, sadness, and anxiety.

Oestrogen affects the production and availability of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which play a crucial role in mood regulation. Imbalances in these neurotransmitters, caused by fluctuating oestrogen levels, can impact emotional well-being, making you feel like the last thing you want to do is get to your women’s gym in Melbourne for a workout.

Oestrogen’s impact on workouts

Oestrogen levels can have notable effects on exercise performance and muscle function, which should be taken into account especially when doing strength training for women.

Research suggests that higher levels of oestrogen are associated with improved exercise endurance, increased muscle strength, and reduced muscle damage. Oestrogen aids in maintaining muscle mass, promotes the repair and growth of muscle tissue, and helps with glycogen storage, which is essential for sustained energy during physical activity.

Furthermore, oestrogen exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to faster post-workout recovery, so doing strength training when your oestrogen level is high is great!

Understanding oestrogen’s influence on energy levels

Oestrogen plays a role in regulating energy levels and overall vitality. Optimal levels of oestrogen are associated with a sense of well-being and enhanced energy, making it a great time for hitting your women’s gym in Melbourne.

Oestrogen influences the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy molecule in our cells. It also affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are vital for energy production.

Fluctuations or lower levels of oestrogen can contribute to fatigue and decreased energy, and both highs and lows of oestrogen should be taken into account when considering weightloss for women.

Considering the cognitive effects of oestrogen

Oestrogen also influences cognitive function, including memory, attention, and concentration. It is believed to have a neuroprotective effect, supporting the health and function of brain cells. Fluctuations or declines in oestrogen levels, such as during menopause or specific phases of the menstrual cycle, may contribute to cognitive changes, including forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, feeling unmotivated, and mental fog.