
How Your Diet Can Affect Haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids, swollen veins in the anus or lower rectum, can be a painful and uncomfortable condition. While lifestyle factors and pregnancy often contribute to their development, diet plays a significant role as well. By making strategic food choices, you can support your haemorrhoid treatment and prevent painful flare-ups. Here’s some insight from a leading colorectal […]

The 15 Best Irish Whiskey Brands For Dangerously Smooth Drams

Unencumbered by the myriad region-specific intricacies of Scotch whisky and unshackled by the demand-and-supply issues faced by Japanese whisky, Irish whiskey (with an ‘e’!) is readily available, affordable, easy drinking, and, most importantly, delicious. In fact, from the mid- to late-1800s, Ireland was the most prolific whiskey producing nation, before being usurped by Scotland. To that end, at […]

The Future of Aesthetics: Exploring Innovative Technologies for Healthy Skin

In the ever-evolving field of aesthetics, the future holds exciting possibilities for achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin. At Dr Face, a leading dermal and aesthetics clinic in Melbourne, we are at the forefront of these advancements, offering treatments performed by medically-trained aesthetics doctors. Our commitment to innovation ensures that our clients receive the most […]

Maintaining a Healthy Gut: Diet, Exercise, and Probiotics in Melbourne

Colorectal surgeons often see the impact of gut health on a patient’s well-being. The gut microbiome, the trillions of bacteria residing in your digestive system, plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and even immune function. When this delicate balance is disrupted, it can lead to a variety of digestive issues and potentially contribute […]

Fuelling Progress and The Link Between Discipline and Self-Love

We all love a bubble bath. A much-needed nap. Going on a hot girl walk. Washing your hair or cooking your favorite meal. These seemingly small yet meaningful acts contribute significantly to our overall sense of self-worth and contentment. However, amidst these practices, lies the most profound form of self-love: discipline. It’s the conscious choice […]

Dermatologist vs. Medical Aesthetics Doctor: Understanding Who’s Right for Your Needs

When it comes to addressing wrinkles and skin aging concerns, understanding the differences between a dermatologist and a medical aesthetics doctor is crucial. Both professionals are highly trained and offer unique approaches to skin care, but their expertise and treatment methods differ. At Dr Face, our services are performed by experienced medical doctors trained in […]

5 Gut Health Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Our gut – often referred to as our second brain – plays a far more significant role in our overall health than we might realise. Home to trillions of bacteria, the gut microbiome works tirelessly to break down food, absorb nutrients, and even regulate our immune system. But colorectal surgeons know that when this delicate […]

Is It Still Worth Visiting Museums and Art Galleries Nowadays?

In an age where digital media reigns supreme, one might wonder if stepping into the hallowed halls of museums and art galleries holds the same significance it once did. Like, what’s the point of going to the museums where you can just browse everything right at your fingertips? Who needs museums if there’s Pinterest?! The […]

Diet for Glowing Skin: Foods that Nourish from Within

At Dr. Face, Melbourne’s leading doctor-led aesthetics clinic, we understand that true beauty radiates from within. While our clinic offers advanced cosmetic treatments and expert advice, we also believe in the power of a healthy diet for achieving radiant, healthy skin. This article explores the undeniable connection between what you eat and the health of […]

Haemorrhoids and Pregnancy – What You Need to Know

Haemorrhoids are an unpleasant reality for many people. But during pregnancy, they become especially common, affecting up to half of all expecting mothers. While not a serious health risk, haemorrhoids can cause significant discomfort and interfere with your daily life. The good news is, there are ways to prevent, soothe, and get haemorrhoids treatment throughout […]