
I gave up alcohol and my fitness went through the roof!

Meet lawyer Katie Richards, who consistently conquers a brutal fitness regime after giving up alcohol – and lost 10 kg in the process. Here, the Queensland woman tells Lifestyle News her story. Q: After giving up alcohol, your fitness skyrocketed. Did that surprise you? A: I found that I was a lot clearer when I […]

Why Choose a Doctor-Led Dermal Aesthetics Clinic

The world of aesthetics is brimming with options, from over-the-counter products to at-home treatments. However, when it comes to achieving optimal results and prioritising your skin’s health, choosing a dermal aesthetics clinic like Dr Face where you are treated by an experienced cosmetic doctor offers a multitude of benefits. This article investigates the advantages of […]

Non-Surgical Options for Treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Regaining Comfort without Surgery

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is one of the most common pelvic floor problems affecting women, where organs like the bladder, uterus, or rectum descend from their normal position in the pelvis. This can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms, impacting quality of life. While surgery is a viable option, many women understandably prefer a […]

Is Melbourne’s Apollo Inn Australia’s best bar?

In 1844 one of Melbourne’s first public houses, the Apollo Inn, opened on the corner of Flinders Lane & Russell St. In 2023, that site is home to what is considered Melbourne’s (or is that Australia’s?) finest restaurant – Gimlet. Nearby, the new Apollo Inn is the latest from Chef Andrew McConnell and partner Jo McGann’s taste-making […]

The Alphabet of Skincare: Demystifying Common Ingredients and Products

Ever felt overwhelmed by the endless list of ingredients on your skincare products? You’re not alone! From SPFs and ceramides to dermal volumising treatments, navigating the world of skincare can feel like deciphering a foreign language. At Dr Face, Melbourne’s leading dermal aesthetics clinic, we believe knowledge is power. This article serves as your personal […]

Colorectal Care for Adults: Age-Specific Screening and Risks

Here in Australia, maintaining good colorectal health is just as crucial as anywhere else. As we age, our risk for certain colorectal conditions increases. Understanding age-specific screening recommendations and potential risks from your colorectal surgeon empowers you to take proactive steps towards maintaining our health. Here’s insight from a leading female surgeon and colorectal surgeon […]

3 Effective Ways To Create A Productive Office

An office is supposed to be where you and your employees can work productively. It should be an environment that not only allows for that but encourages it. While everyone knows that, it’s not something many business owners or managers put enough effort into. If you want to create a productive office, you shouldn’t have […]

Busting the Myths: Debunking Common Skincare Misconceptions

In the ever-expanding world of skincare, navigating a sea of information can feel overwhelming. Countless myths and misconceptions abound, often leading to confusion and potentially hindering your journey towards healthy, glowing skin. At Dr Face, Melbourne’s leading dermal aesthetics clinic, we believe in knowledge as power. This article from our team of cosmetic doctors debunks […]

Kick the Habit, Protect Your Gut: How Quitting Smoking Reduces Colon Cancer Risk in Melbourne

As a leading female surgeon and colorectal surgeon in Melbourne, Dr. Naseem is passionate about empowering her patients to take control of their health. One of the most significant ways to achieve this is by quitting smoking. Smoking is a major risk factor for numerous health problems, including colon cancer. This article looks at the […]

Addressing Common Gardening Problems in Home Landscaping

Landscaping your home provides an opportunity to elevate the visual allure of your property. However, it is not without its gardening challenges. These can span from pest invasions and unsuitable soil composition to unpredictable weather patterns and plant ailments. This article aims to explore prevalent gardening issues that homeowners often encounter and offer effective solutions […]