How Do Hormones Affect My Fitness as a Woman?

Hormonal changes are an inevitable part of a woman’s life, and while men have hormonal cycles too, ours can feel more like a rollercoaster ride! Starting from puberty, a woman’s endocrine system undergoes several changes during her menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. According to a top personal trainer in Hampton at a women only gym specialising in individual and women’s group training, these hormonal changes can have a considerable impact on our fitness routines, affecting strength, endurance, and overall fitness levels.

While these changes are normal, they can be problematic for women who are used to a consistent fitness routine. Therefore, understanding how hormones affect fitness in women can help individuals adapt their workouts and achieve their goals.

Let’s take a closer look!

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a complex process that regulates fertility. Throughout the menstrual cycle, hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone fluctuate, leading to intense physical and emotional changes.

The first two weeks of the menstrual cycle, known as the follicular phase, are known for increased protein synthesis, which can lead to an increase in muscle mass. This is a great time for you and your personal trainer in Hampton to focus on building strength and pushing your personal best. In contrast, the luteal phase results in increased water retention in the muscle tissue, resulting in the feeling of bloating and a decrease in muscle definition. During this phase, you may find it much easier to join a women’s group training class to help you stay motivated but relax the intensity of your training at the same time.

Furthermore, towards the end of the luteal phase, the hormone progesterone can cause fatigue, making it harder to find motivation and energy to exercise. This decrease in energy and motivation can make it more difficult to continue with a consistent fitness routine, which is where the social aspect of being part of a women only gym can help keep you focussed on gentle, consistent exercise.


During pregnancy, hormonal changes are essential for foetal growth and development. However, these changes can also have a considerable impact on your fitness routine, which must be properly managed by your personal trainer in Hampton.

First-trimester hormonal changes like increased progesterone levels can lead to fatigue, which can make it difficult to maintain their regular workouts. Moreover, there’s also weight gain to contend with.

In the second trimester, the hormone relaxin, which helps to loosen the ligaments to prepare for childbirth, can also cause instability in the joints, making it difficult for women to perform certain exercises.

Lastly, during the third trimester, hormonal changes can lead to reduced lung capacity, making it harder to engage in cardio exercises. Furthermore, the increased weight gain and changes in centre of gravity can make all exercises more challenging.


Menopause is when a woman’s menstrual cycle stops for more than twelve months. The decline in oestrogen levels during menopause can have several effects on your fitness routine, which is something that leading women only gyms understand and can help accommodate.

One important aspect of staying fit and healthy is understanding the role that oestrogen plays regarding bone density. The decrease in oestrogen levels during menopause can lead to a reduction in bone density and an increased risk of osteoporosis. Women experiencing menopause must focus on bone-strengthening exercises to mitigate this risk, which your personal trainer in Hampton should add to your routine.

Furthermore, hormonal changes can result in a decrease in muscle mass, which can lead to reduced muscle strength and endurance. This decline in muscle mass can also lead to weight gain, which can impact overall fitness levels.

Adaptation to your hormonal changes

The good news is that throughout hormonal changes, you can adjust your fitness routines to compensate for these changes.

Firstly, tracking menstrual cycles can help you identify patterns of fatigue and decreased motivation. This tracking can enable you to adjust their workouts, doing lower intensity workouts during menstruation and more strength or power-based workouts during the follicular phase. By recognising when your energy and motivation levels are low, you can add in women’s group training for this period, as the social and community aspect play a vital role in keeping you healthy and on track to your goals.

During pregnancy, you can prioritize exercise routines that focus on stability, balance, and flexibility with your personal trainer. During the first trimester, you may need to limit high-intensity workouts or cardio exercises due to increased fatigue, leading to a focus on low-to-medium intensity workouts.

Similarly, during the third trimester, you can focus on exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor to prepare for childbirth. Also, low-impact exercises like walking or swimming may be preferable to more rigorous workouts.

Lastly, during menopause, you can focus on weight-bearing exercises that help to improve bone density. Strength training should be a priority as it can increase muscle mass and strength, making it easier to maintain overall fitness levels.

Try out a women only gym for customised classes and personal training designed for you!

The great thing about top women only gyms is that they understand everything that impacts your health and fitness as a woman and have holistic fitness and health options to deliver a flexible fitness journey! Whether you are looking for women’s group training, individual sessions with a personal trainer, workouts at your own pace, or a mix, women only gyms deliver it all.